The Controversial Years of The Moorish Science Temple of America
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Now Available as a Full Hardcover Book or Soft Cover
The Controversial Years of The Moorish Science Temple of America (Book I & Book II Combined within One Complete Book - 623 pages) - The ONLY Complete Book giving a full account of historical events that occurred during the lifetime of Prophet Drew Ali and after his untimely death of July 20th, 1929. Chief Minister Dr. Ra Saadi El is one of very few who has first-hand historical account details from those who were taught and guided by Prophet Drew Ali. Dr. Ra Saadi El has countless original documents and artifacts from the early ’20s during the time of Prophet Drew Ali that he has collected for well over 30 years. This book is a complete compilation of in-depth scholarly research; this book is like the almanac of The Moorish Science Temple of America. Stop guessing about what took place during and after the life of Prophet Drew Ali; we say buy the Book and become one who knows the Truth.
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