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About the Author
Chief of Ministers Dr. Ra Saadi El
Attended Shawnee Community College in Chicago Ill as an under graduate in 1976; he would later receive an honorary Doctorate from the University of The Moorish Science Temple of America in 2005; he has well over 36 years of invested studies in the foundation of Islamic Nationalism for African Americans, Constitutional Law in relations to the status of Citizenship for African Americans and Islam in America from a Moorish Perspective. His professorship is a strong emphasis in the Sufi concept of Islam, world history, Nationality, Constitutional law and social status. He is presently one of the Executive Rulers within The Moorish Science Temple of America.
Chief Minister Dr. Ra Saadi El’s books, I Am Your Prophet: The life, works and teachings of the first American born Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Islam In a Nutshell and Prescribed Manner of Prayer. Dr. Ra Saadi El other books includes The Scientific Interpretations of The Divine Constitutions and By Laws and The Koranic Study Guide Book for Moorish Americans and Islam In America with many others.
Dr. Ra Saadi El articles have appeared in the Moslem Journal newspaper, The Albany NY Times Union, and numerous web sites. He has appeared on many Religious and Social talk shows such as; Nation 2 Nation filmed out of Hollywood California; The New Nation of Islam filmed out of Detroit Michigan; The State of the Black Family filmed out of Oakland California and his very own hosted television show four years running; Islam In America from a Moorish Perspective filmed from PeoplesTV studios in Atlanta Georgia along with Red Crescent and Star World Studios (RCSWS) a Internet radio network . He has also contributed his expertise in Moorish Islamic history to author Dennis Walker whose book “Islam and the Search for African-American Nationhood” has received world wide recognition.
Dr. Ra Saadi El has received many commendations for “Project Chance for Life” Outreach Ministries for his contribution to State and Federal Correctional Institutions which he started back in 1992. He has worked as a Drug Counselor and Spiritual advisor for many years. He is the founder of the very first Theological Moorish Islamic University; which has received notoriety from many Islamic schools of thought; The UMSTA has received recognition by The Pluralism Project at Harvard University.
For Lectures or Interviews Contact: The Moorish Science Temple of America-1928
(888) 361-2499 email info@msta1928.org Website www.msta1928.org